fit five: hey it's me

I thought it was about time I shared mine.

1] Do something active everyday. Even just going for a little stroll with my hubs when I'm too tired to do anything else, helps me get my blood pumping and puts me in a better mood.
2] No off-limit foods [look familiar?]. Saying I can't have something, makes me want it that much more. Before I know it, I've eaten that plus every other "off limit" food you can imagine. I know what's good for me & what's not. And I know how certain foods make me feel. If I can think about that, I make smarter choices without too many restrictions.
3] Running outside. It's so hard sometimes. But being outside, pushing myself, & sweating like crazy does so much good for me as a human being, not to mention my bod.
4] Pilates. I have to say it. It has changed my body. My body had absolutely no muscle tone, even as a dancer, until I did Pilates. I love how it feels when I do it & I love how I feel after.
5] Off-time. Taking either a day off from working out, an evening to just lounge, or enjoying something I usually resist keeps me sane & happy.

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