the last 3 pounds: what I was doing wrong

1. Complacent workouts. I somehow tricked myself into thinking I could have a kick-butt bod without a kick-butt workout.
[fix] I've stopped avoiding stairs & hills when I run. And I have added some intervals and a few extra minutes to my cardio routine.

2. Bread overload. I started thinking I needed to fill myself with bread every meal.
[fix] I've limited myself to one serving of whole grains per meal and one weekly indulgent meal of those fluffy white breads I crave. This way, I'm definitely not deprived but I'm also setting smart boundaries.

3. Late night eating. It just got later and later.
[fix] I'm done eating after 9.

It's been almost 2 weeks & I've noticed a big difference. My face is thinner, jeans a little looser, and more than anything, I feel really good about the choices I'm making. I'm enjoying all the yummy, without going overboard. And It's so maintainable!

1 comment:

  1. these are really great goals. I feel the same way. I feel like i've been doing the same workout for 2 years! I need to change it up, or my body is never going to change.


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